How to Add Custom Robot.txt And Sitemap Page In Blogger (3 Easy Step)

Robot.txt Gernate

Hi, welcome to the Custom Robots.txt Blogger Tutorial. WHO doesn't need to look on high of Google, Bing, and alternative search engines? after all, you wish to try and do everything doable to create positive crawlers do not go by your inventory. during this tutorial, we tend to learn the way to form And Add Custom Robots.txt get in Blogger. creating smart settings and making add Custom Robots.txt get in blogger can very assist you in search rankings.

Before we tend to jump in, i might wish to cite what's automaton.txt file is and why you must add a custom robots.txt get in your diaryger blog.

Custom Robots.txt File In Blogger

Each website hosted in blogger has its own default custom robots.txt file that’s one thing seem like that:

User-agent: Media partners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /b
Allow: /

What Is Custom Robots.txt File?

A robots.txt file lives at the foundation of your website. So, for the location World Wide, the robots.txt file lives at World Wide robots.txt may be a plain computer file that follows the Robots Exclusion normal. A robots.txt file consists of 1 or a lot of rules. every rule blocks (or allows) access for a given crawler to a such that file path therein web site.

Here may be a straightforward robots.txt file with 2 rules, explained below:

Blogger Custom Robots.txt File Examples

 User-agent: *  
 Disallow: /search  
 Allow: /  


  1. The user agent named "Googlebot" crawler should not crawl the folder or any subdirectories.
  2. All different user agents will access the whole website. (This might are omitted and therefore the result would be a similar, as full access is that the assumption.)The site's 
  3. The site's Sitemap file is found at
Disallow: [At least one or additional forbid or enable entries per rule] A directory or page, relative to the foundation domain, that ought to not be crawled by the user agent. If a page, it ought to be the total page name as shown within the browser; if a directory, it ought to finish in a very / mark. Supports the * wildcard for a path prefix, suffix, or entire string.

Allow: [At least one or additional forbid or enable entries per rule] A directory or page, relative to the foundation domain, that ought to be crawled by the user agent simply mentioned. this can be wont to override forbid to permit locomotion of a directory or page in a very disallowed directory. If a page, it ought to be the total page name as shown within the browser; if a directory, it ought to finish in a very / mark. Supports the * wildcard for a path prefix, suffix, or entire string.

Sitemap: [Optional, zero or additional per file] the placement of a sitemap for this web site. should be a fully-qualified URL; Google does not assume or check HTTP/HTTPS/www.non-www alternates. Sitemaps ar an honest thanks to indicate that content Google ought to crawl, as hostile that content it will or cannot crawl. Learn additional regarding sitemaps. Example:

How To Add Custom Robots.txt In Blogger

Log in to your blogger dashboard>>Settings. after you click on settings, scroll down the bar till you find "Crawlers and assortment" right below Crawlers and indexing, you'll see "Enable custom robots.txt". activate the button beside it so you'll add the custom robots.txt to your web log. See the infographic below for additional info.


Step 1: Just after the "Enable custom robots.txt" of which button you've turned on, you will see "custom robots.txt", go ahead and click on it. See the infographic below for more information.


Step 2: After you click on "custom robots.txt" a small box will pop up with a field. Copy Code the custom robots.txt file suitable for you below and paste it inside the box. Don’t forget to change the with your blog address or a custom domain. Save your file when you're done!

Note: Don’t forget to change the with your blog address or a custom domain. Save your file when you're done!

Step 3: Click on the Save Button.

Now your Custom Robot.txt is ready. If you don’t know about using this Article, you can watch our video.

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